AdviceHow To Make Your Twitter Link Colours Match Your Logo

How To Make Your Twitter Link Colours Match Your Logo

It’s the little details that count. Twitter allows you to customise your profile with your own images and colours. By setting your Twitter theme colour to match your logo – or predominant brand colour – you will be on your way to looking much sharper and more professional online.


How To Make Your Twitter Link Colours Match Your Logo


Your Twitter theme colour covers your links, ‘Tweet’ buttons, hashtags and all key interactive features on your Twitter profile. Here’s how:


How To Set Your Twitter Theme Colour

Not sure of your logo’s HTML / HEX Code? No problem!


Don’t guess your logo colour: it’s the little details that make all the difference to how professional you look online.


There are two ways to get your HTML or HEX colour code:


  1. You can ask your logo designer to send you your HTML or ‘HEX’ code, which will be a combination of 6 letters and numbers.
  2. Alternatively, you can use an online tool such as where you can upload your logo and it will ascertain your colour code for you. Quick and simple, once you’ve got your 6 digit HTML code all you’ll need to do is copy and paste it into the Twitter theme colour box and hit save. See our example below, HTML code is #000000:




That’s it for this edition of #MarketingMinute


Enjoy, and see you next time!


The team at In The Bag PR

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